Bee RX: Honey Bee Diseases and Pests class at Marine Mills Folk School

Beekeeping Classes at Marine Mills Folk School

Mike from Bone Lake Meadows Apiary will be teaching classes this summer at Marine Mills Folk School in Marine on St Croix. The classes are designed for beekeepers who have established bees but are searching for more information. See below for details and links to register.

Bee RX: Honey Bee Diseases and Pests (Ages 10+) June 1, 2024, 1-4pm. Click HERE for more details and link to register

Through demonstration and discussions students will learn about:

  • Honey Bee Diseases and Pests

  • Varroa Mite Count demonstration using the powder sugar method to get a baseline of varroa mite levels in the hive

  • Treatment plans for sick hives

Mite count using the powder sugar method